Couples Counseling

We’ve been together a long time and things
have gotten dull.

I’m not sure if I still love my spouse. Is this worth saving?

You won’t really know until you look at your own heart.

The stresses of life can chip away unbeknownst to us revealing the broken places we tried to avoid.

I keep getting triggered by my partner.

He makes me so mad. She emasculates me. He acts like a boy. She acts like my mom.

When we have unhealed Core Beliefs, they can get triggered by the people closest to us.

It feels like if they would just change, you could feel better.

Maybe there’s been infidelity.

The pain of betrayal is one of the worst pains.

Trust has been broken. The vows you made to each other have shattered. There is no putting it back together. Your hope is to each heal your own hearts and then rebuild something new.

Forgiveness is different from trust. Forgiveness is about the past. Trust is about the future. Both of these will need to be addressed.

In this case, I recommend individual sessions to address your own broken places. Two broken hearts do not make a whole. Two whole hearts can come together in a beautiful partnership.

My partner has an addiction.

Addictions are like a third party in the relationship.

Like it or not, both partners hold the addiction and interact with it, one as an addict and one as a codependent.

Both of you will need support, healing, and skills for building a healthy relationship.

There is healing for the hurts if you are willing.

It’s really a gift to have these exposed, so they can be healed – but it doesn’t feel like a gift at first.

Communication can be learned.

Empathy can be taught.

You don’t have to be a victim.

By taking responsibility for your own feelings and getting healing for the beliefs underneath, you can experience peace and calm even if the other person never changes.

You can love out of the fullness of your heart, instead of demanding from the emptiness.

Getting proactive.

We are getting married and looking for premarital counseling to avoid all of the above.

Great idea!!!

It takes intentionality to become one in marriage. By addressing questions up front and healing your baggage before it hurts each other, you can prevent so many of the scars.

I use a program that helps you get clear about who you are and what you want and helps you communicate that to your future spouse. By having some intentional conversations, you can learn to love well and support each other through the stresses of life.

Let’s move you and your partner to a more positive place.

Discovering your Core Beliefs can set you free!

Call me now at (407) 399-5372 to schedule a free phone consultation