Individual Counseling

Tired of pretending you’re okay?

You wake up discouraged, knowing that today will probably be the same. The same unwanted feelings.

Except now you are tired and fed up. It feels out of control. And embarrassing.

You’ve tried to figure it out. You just can’t get on top of the emotions. You’re drowning in them, being run by them instead of in control of them.

You used to be stronger, able to handle life. But now you feel like a failure.

You’re at a place where you don’t know if these feelings will ever end.

What happened to my life? Why am I so anxious? Why does it hurt so much? Can’t I just feel better?

Daily life is difficult to navigate.

You have no energy to exercise. You’re not eating right. Self-care? What’s that? There are all these nagging thoughts in your head, telling you you’re not good enough. You’re not safe. You’re not worthy.

So you’re not as social as you used to be. It’s too exhausting to be around people. You hope your actions aren’t your true self, but you don’t know what to do to find yourself.

You can barely put on the happy face and go about your day. It’s a mask – and it’s slipping.

Someone to listen

There are rare opportunities in life to sit with someone who wants to hear your story – the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Hopefully that someone has the life and professional experience to help you make sense of the parts of your story that are confusing or painful.

Individual counseling is that chance to sit with someone who is giving you their undivided attention.

It’s risky, I know.

What will they think of my story? Do I really have to share it all again? It’s too painful to talk about. Will they really be able to help? Can’t I just do it on my own?

Individual counseling gives you a professional with lots of experience to help you more quickly and thoroughly get to the root causes of your pain or struggles.

Often, by the time a client seeks counseling, they have exhausted all other avenues and are tired, confused, or discouraged.

Someone to come alongside you and believe you can be healed.

In individual counseling, we can address root causes of addictions, healing the pain underneath.

Some clients come in with anxiety or depression that they cannot manage anymore. Great!!

Don’t manage anxiety and depression – heal it! For others we address their part of relationship struggles. By healing your triggers, you can experience more peace in your relationships.

How long will I be in counseling?

Some of my clients come in with a specific situation they want to address. That may only take one – three months to resolve.

Often, they enjoy the process and the healing they receive so much that they opt for more sessions to cover more areas of their life.

Or they may go live life until something else comes up and then come back for a few more sessions.

We will take the first session to listen
to your story.

I am very honored to hear your story and the events of your life that have shaped you.

I encourage you to share as much as you want.

What seems ordinary to you, because it has always been a part of your life, may just be the insight I need to hear. As I listen, I will be taking notes. This helps me be present with you.

I have been listening to people’s stories for 20 years, so little shocks me.

As I listen, I will be looking for themes and Core Beliefs underneath your story. We will then decide on goals, ideally how you would like your life to be after we have finished our counseling time together. And we will decide on the pace of your counseling.

Do you want an intensive two – three sessions a week or to meet weekly or biweekly?

As I hear your story and your goal for counseling, I can help you decide on the best pace for you.

Let me hear your story.

Discovering your Core Beliefs can set you free!

Call me now at (407) 399-5372 to schedule a free phone consultation.