
Core Beliefs can affect you in many ways.

Even when you are unaware, the inner self is functioning the way it does because of your Core Beliefs. When you recognize your Core Beliefs, and understand them, there are things you can do to change your reaction to outside occurrences.

Trauma and the Brain

Trauma is the response to a deeply distressing or disturbing experience.

It could be a one-time occurrence like a rape, assault, or an accident; or it could be an ongoing experience like abuse, war, or living in a toxic relationship.

When it is not healed, trauma causes physical, mental, and emotional problems.

The brain is deeply affected by trauma as well.

Racing thoughts, panic, nightmares, anxiety – a troubled brain can hijack you in the middle of a good day.

The brain is designed to keep us safe. It goes through lots of mental gymnastics in the face of traumatic experiences.

Some people are ashamed of how they reacted or didn’t react during their experience.

Confused and embarrassed.

I can help you make sense of your response to an otherwise confusing, painful, overwhelming experience.

We will discover the Core Beliefs that developed because of the trauma and work to heal those beliefs as well as work to heal the brain.

You can get beyond your trauma and back to living your life.

Pre-Marital Counseling

Pledging your lives to one another is a serious, weighty matter.

Pre-marital counseling is a great way to get to know each other on a deeper, emotional level.

I use a program with a series of questions to help you talk about all the bases that might not just come up in conversation.

By talking about these questions with a trusted advisor, you can address bumps in the road before they become obstacles. You will want to buy the book, 9 Must Have Conversations for a Doubt-Free Wedding Day, by Gary Thomas.

We will work through the nine conversations each week and help you be confident standing at the altar pledging your lives to one another.

Sexual Addiction/Codependency

Masking a Deeper Wound

Sexual addiction is different from substance addictions in that sex is a natural part of our lives and is always with us.

We don’t just ban all sex from our lives; we have to learn to address the issues that cause sex to become an addiction. Sexual addiction may be used to cover up and escape emotional pain.

When we don’t have resources to address our pain, we cope as best we can. A sexual addiction or any other addiction is coping gone bad.

There is healing for these painful parts of our hearts and soul.

Once that pain is healed, we will address the addicted brain.

Any addiction causes changes in our brain that will need to be healed if we are to fully recover.

By incorporating this multi-faceted approach to addiction, recovery is more sustainable.

Finding Yourself in Relationship

Addicts pull on others in their lives to meet their needs because they aren’t equipped to meet them themselves.

When this person is dependent on the addict and tries to fix their partner or takes responsibility for them, they step into a co-dependent role and often lose themselves.

Helping each person to take responsibility for their own part of the relationship and finding their own healing can bring much health back into the relationship.


Seeking Shelter

People often come into counseling because of painful emotions.

They feel bad and want to feel better.

They want to get rid of their painful emotions.

But what if these emotions were really just the symptom?

We know that pain can be a good thing when it warns us that something is wrong.

By looking underneath, the emotions to the Core Beliefs beneath, we are able to get to the root causes and HEAL!

Getting to the Source

Transformational Prayer Ministry is not about managing pain but resolving the root cause that is the source of our pain. It is called Prayer because we will connect with God to bring truth to these root problems.

God promises us that we shall know the truth and the truth will set us free.

It’s common to think, “I feel bad because of what has happened to me,” or “because of this relationship or situation I am in.”

But, actually, we feel whatever we believe.

And by changing our beliefs, we can change our emotions, even if our situation never changes.

As you learn this process, you will be able to facilitate it for yourself and experience greater healing and more freedom.

Nutritional Coaching

According to science, we have two brains; the second one is in our gut!

And this second brain has a lot of impact on our moods like anxiety and depression.

So, while you are addressing the root problems, consider one of the roots being the health of your brains. Feeding both our brains is critical to maintaining our mental and physical health.

I have been studying and practicing good nutritional habits for 20 years. In our work together. You will learn fun ways to improve your nutrition through personal coaching and webinars.

Get the edge for your mental health!

Discovering your Core Beliefs can set you free!

Call me now at (407) 399-5372 to schedule a free phone consultation.