Where is my office located you ask?

My office is wherever you are! We will meet over a secure HIPAA-compliant video conferencing portal that is simple to use. Once we set the appointment, I will provide access 15 minutes before our scheduled time.

Is it handicapped-accessible?


What are your office hours?

That depends on you! I am available M-Th with morning, afternoon and evening appointments. So, call and let me know which you prefer.

Do you take insurance?

No, I do not. This gives me the freedom to give you the care you need. I can offer you a receipt for out-of-network benefits; just ask.

How do I set up the initial session?

I like to schedule an initial 15-minute free (just like the parking 🙂) phone consultation where you can see if we are a good fit for each other.

From there we can decide on the time and day for our first session.

What is a free initial phone consultation?

It’s a chance for me to learn a little about your background and what you are looking for in counseling to see if I would be a good fit for you.

What do I do to get started?

Please fill out the intake form and bring it with you to the first appointment.


How long does the first session last?

We will talk for 50 minutes, hearing your story and what your goals are for your therapy. Sometimes, from there depending on your needs, sessions can range from 50 min. to 110 min.

How do I pay?

You can pay with cash, check, or Venmo/Cashpay. I also take credit cards for people with HSA.

What is your cancellation policy?

Please give me 24 hours’ notice to cancel or change an appointment. This allows others to have that time slot, if you don’t need it.


Who is your perfect client?

Someone who is wanting help getting to the root causes of their issues, looking for healing, not just coping strategies.

What age range do you work with?

I enjoy seeing teenagers up through adult men and women in various seasons of life.

Do you work with men? Women? Couples? Adolescents?

Yes! All of the above. 🙂

Do you work with people from diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, and religions?

Yes, over my 20 years I have worked with people from many backgrounds, ethnicities and religions.

What is your professional training and experience?

I have my Master’s in Counseling from Reformed Theological Seminary and went on to get Licensed with the State of Florida as a Licensed Mental Health Counselor. I have been seeing clients for 20 years. I take 30 hours of CEUs biannually to stay current on the news in the mental health field, as well as reading books on a regular basis.

Theological Seminary?? Will you browbeat me with the Bible?

Only if you are late to sessions. 🙂Ha, ha!

No, but if God is a resource for you, we will incorporate His wisdom and sound biblical advice into your sessions.

What can I expect in the first session?

I will listen to your story and get a sense of the background to your reason for being here. We will discuss your goals for therapy and schedule your next session.

What is therapy like with you?

You will have my undivided attention. I will listen and take notes. I will ask you lots of questions about what you are feeling and why, to help us get to the Core Beliefs.

How long will I be in therapy?

That sort of depends on the goals we set. Some people come for a few sessions to address a particular struggle. Others commit to 6-8 months to address long-term struggles they have been experiencing.

We may meet for a few months and then transition to sessions on an as needed basis.

Does anyone cry in front of you?

Yes, men and women. Some emotions are best expressed with tears.

Do I have to tell you everything?

No, that would take a lifetime. 🙂 And yet, if you aren’t open to telling me whatever is needed or if you hide parts of yourself, it’s hard to form a strong therapeutic alliance. Your results may not be what you hoped for.

If being honest and vulnerable is difficult for you, that would be a great goal to set for our time together.

Who benefits from therapy?

We all do at various times in our lives. Whether it’s a quick check up or a longer involved period, having someone’s insight and discernment can help move us forward so much quicker.

Is there anyone you won’t see?

I won’t see active addicts that aren’t in recovery.

What can a therapist do?

Using our experience and training, therapists can help you get to the underlying issues, so you can heal and move forward in life.

We can offer you support when you are going through a rough time. We can also be like a mirror, reflecting how you show up in relationships, so you can know yourself better.

What are the risks and benefits of doing therapy?

There are always risks to being vulnerable and opening up to another person. These fears are the fuel for our sessions.🙂

In therapy, you get to try on different ways of relating and see what you think without risking the relationship. You get healing of your Core Beliefs which improves every area of your life, relationships, parenting, social, work, etc.

Do you offer video or phone sessions?

Yes, if you live too far away to come into the office or in other extenuating circumstances, we can do video conferencing.

What else can I try to help me help myself?

I can recommend a number of books, podcasts, and other resources to help you help yourself.

How do I know if you are the right therapist for me?

We will do an initial phone consultation to see if I am a good fit for you, and throughout therapy I am open to feedback from you about our professional relationship and how I can best help you.

Are you a Christian counselor?

I am a Christian who also does counseling. My worldview is biblical with a strong moral compass.

Is our work confidential?

Yes, I even say if I run into you in public somewhere, I won’t acknowledge you, unless you acknowledge me first. That way, our therapy time remains a sacred space. But I am state licensed and must report in certain instances like if you are a risk to yourself or another person.

(For Couples)

Do couples fight in front of you?

Of course. I want the REAL!

Do you take sides?

I stay neutral to help both of you.

Questions about me

How long have you been in practice?

20 years.

What are your strengths as a therapist?

I have a lot of discernment. My years of experience also make me quicker to get to the heart of the matter. I am strong and can stay in the struggle with you. I also believe in my clients.

What do you enjoy about being a therapist?

My favorite times are when clients’ eyes brighten up with new insight about themselves. Or when they experience the freedom of a Core Belief being released. Helping people to heal – not just cope – is incredibly rewarding.

Have you been in therapy yourself?

Of course, for various reasons over my adulthood. Lots of experience with sitting on the other side of the room.🙂

What is your educational background?

I have a Master’s in Counseling degree from Reformed Theological Seminary and 20 years of CEUs.

What is the best way to get in touch with you?

Text! Emails get lost sometimes.

Do you prescribe medications?

No, I am not a psychiatrist.

Are you licensed?

Yes, and that’s a great question to ask.

Do you take notes?

Yes, I do. I find it helps me to listen and process in session.

Because, Why Not?

Is your furniture comfortable?

🙂Yes, I hope so. If not, please let me know so we can remedy that.🙂

Do I have to lie on a couch?

No! It’s not big enough.🙂

Should I wear waterproof mascara?

Might be a good idea. Tears come up sometimes. I have tissues ready.

Am I allowed to ask personal questions?

Sure! I may not answer them, but I can let you know.

What apps make your life better?

Venmo! Evernote. Amazon! Starbucks. K92.3.

Cats or Dogs?

Dogs! Just saying. I own a Chihuahua named Rocky who sometimes acts as a therapy dog. Just let me know if you need him. 🙂